Frequently Asked Questions

Inquiries regarding diamonds, gemstones, and the services we provide are welcomed.


  • Is Carat related to the purity of gemstone?

    No, it is not related to the purity of a gemstone. Carat only defines the Weight of a gemstone or diamond. It is often confused with the Karat of Gold or other precious metals that defines the purity of the metal.
  • I want to buy a natural gemstone. How much will it cost?

    Gemstones & Diamonds never come at a fixed price point. The pricing of these gemstones varies widely depending on many factors including the 4C's, Character, Certifications, Origin, etc. These gemstones might start at a very basic price point and might also run in millions. Get in touch with us to find which gemstone best suits your requirements.
  • How do I know if my gemstone or diamond is genuine?

    Unfortunately, you'll not. Only an experienced gemologist or diamantaire can distinguish genuine gemstones from synthetics, imitations, or fake ones. For a layman, certifications & trust are important factors that you must look for while buying gemstones from any merchant.
  • Is there anything beyond 4C’s I should look for?

    Absolutely Yes! There's much more than 4C's in gemstones & diamonds which are looked at by a Gemologist to grade & value a gem. Few of them are as follows:
    • Enhancements: Most of the gemstones and diamonds are treated or enhanced by humans to improve the color and clarity of a gemstone. Treatments might improve the appearance of a gemstone, but Untreated gemstones win over the rarity factor. Therefore un-enhanced gemstones dominate the market price of any gemstone. 
    • Characteristics: This is one of the most important factors which differentiates colored gemstones from Diamonds. "Beauty is in the eyes of its Beholder" - The character of every gemstone is different and unique. A gemstone that might appeal to someone might not appeal to another person. 
    • Certification: A gemstone needs to be certified as there are many synthetics & natural imitations which closely resemble their natural counterparts. Moreover, most natural gemstones are also enhanced with treatments that are difficult to identify by a layman. Only an authentic certificate can assist a customer with all the details required.
    • Origin: The origin of a gemstone also plays an important role many times. Few origins have a premium "Brand Value" compared to others due to many factors. Example: Kashmir Sapphire, Columbian Emeralds, and Burmese Rubies are priced way higher than similar-looking gemstones from other origins.
  • What are four C’s in gemstones & diamonds?

    The Four C's - Color, Clarity, Cut & Carat Weight are the most important factors which determine the value & quality of a gemstone.